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One-Quarter of UK Men Want Teeth Straightening

Updated: Dec 18, 2018

A survey looking into men’s appearances indicates that 26 percent of men would seek ways to get straighter teeth -- especially if they could have invisible braces.

Key takeaways:

Up to 40 percent of men were found to have strong concerns about their appearance.

About 26 percent of men admitted that they would like to straighten their teeth if they had a single chance to change appearance.

Overall, men have some reluctance in taking the step towards getting an improved or new look.

Issues regarding tooth appearance ranked highly as a personal concern. The statistics revealed that just over a quarter (26%) of men surveyed admitted that they would straighten their teeth if they could change one thing about their appearance.

Read the full story here

For further information or advice contact College Street Dental Centre in Petersfield, Hampshire on 01730 263180


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